The Cuillin Ridge Traverse
The Pinnacle of Scrambling in the Uk
61 Million Years ago, a volcanic activity that led to the initial opening stages of the North Atlantic Ocean, created The Cuillin Ridge. A geologists playground for over 200 years despite the steep and jagged spikes.
A 10km wide centre of the volcano was active and eventually erupted, creating the ridge mainly of Basalt Lava and Gabbro( Iron and magnesium rock)
The ridge itself is !4km long end to end and amongst this sits the highest Munro on an island, Sgurr Alasdair as well as claiming fame to including Scotland’s Hardest Munro, the Inacessible Pinnacle with a further 9 Munro’s along the ridgeline. Bla Bheinn is part of the Black Cuillin but has parted company off the ridge and stands proud in the south east perimiter of the rest of the ridge.
This mighty ridge has seen explorers, walkers and climbers ever since, they aren’t by any means the highest mountains in Scotland but the most technical, making the ridge as close to the likes of the Alps.
The Ridge Traverse is on most peoples bucket lists as it boasts that pinnacle of Uk Mountaineering, but it comes at a price.
2 days of the best mountaineering within the UK. Not all are successful at a full traverse, as this is not only physically demanding but mentally exhausting, but the weather has a huge influence.
11 munro’s over 2 days, where do we sleep i hear you ask.
Sited along the ridge in many places are small stone shelters, just enough to keep the wind off, Bivvy Shelters, where you we spend the night under the stars But bear in mind, you are on a Volcanic Ridge not in the Ritz,.
With plenty of opportunities to capture the moments, it truly is a memorable experience and one we at A2C Mountaineering would like to share with you
So please get in touch below or check our Events page for more information